Thursday, January 28, 2010

A LOVEly ruffly Scarf

I found this lightweight almost cheesecloth like fabric at Walmart on clearance for $1.50 a yard. I wasn't looking for fabric. I was just walking by and it caught my eye because of the Valentine's colors and feel it had. When I saw the price I decided to get some.

I used a yard on this scarf and I've got some more for another project.

First thing I did was cut six, 6 inch strips. I sewed them into two long pieces, each 6 inches wide, by sewing three of the strips together. Then I serged up the sides, wrong sides out, gathering as I went.

If you don't have a serger Some machines have a gathering option. Or you can do it by hand.

Once both sides were sewn and gathered I turned it right side out and did a topstitch down both sides. I stole my little sister's special foot to do this It made it very easy.
That's it.
I'll be wearing this when I play Room Mom at my daughters Valentines class party. Not bad for a $1.50.


  1. I think this is a great idea, My Wally World doesn't have any good fabric these days. You will be the most sassy mom at school.

    Cha Cha

  2. very cute! perfect for valentines day!

  3. I get so excited when google reader tells me that you updated this blog. :) I love seeing what new things you've made!

  4. How cute! I love your choice of fabric!

  5. I am crazy for scarves this year! I am adding this to my Friday Favorites on my blog today! So cute!!

  6. That's absolutely FA-BU-LOUS!!! Thanks so much for sharing it!
    God's blessings,
    Sarah :D

  7. Not bad for a buck fifty is right! Really cute! P.S. I think your freckles are darling! I wish I had more of them.

  8. That scarf is beautiful!! And for a buck?! Awesome!


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