Thursday, January 12, 2012

favorite homemade gift I received this year

Sorry, I have to share one more homemade gift from Christmas and then I will move on with life. 

My sister made these for me and I love them. Do you know what they are? 

 Does this help?

 How about this?

 Or this?

They are handmade luggage tags. I've seen a lot of different ideas for handmade luggage tags, but these are so classy and she put so much heart into them I had to share. Our entire family travels a lot, thanks to a mother who has worked for Delta and has provided years of free and discounted airfare. 

 I've been wanting to make something to help me find my black luggage at the airport for years but always forget about it till I'm packing my bags. 

They are made of special vinyl purchased at Mood during our trip to NY. She said it's typically used to make high-end ski clothing. 

This one was for my husband, I'm glad she kept his simple. 

Thanks again Shelly for the perfect thoughtful gift. 


  1. Those are cute! (And when I first saw them on the tiny read me picture I thought they might be spanking paddles.... :) )

  2. these are awesome! what a great gift. cute AND useful!

  3. She did such a good job! These are really cute. If I remember correctly...she may or may not have finished these Christmas day. What a champ!


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