Wednesday, July 25, 2012

what are you doing this summer?

We started our summer out with our annual trip to California to visit one some of our closest friends. 
We spent a day at Disneyland.

Celebrated the 4th.

But, our favorite things about summer are long visits from cousins and several trips to the lake.

I put this list on our back door the last day of school to get the kids excited about summer and to help motivate myself to do more than sit in front of my bedroom AC unit. 
#6 on the list was "make a bird feeder". My five year old had been begging me for months to make some. I was worried that it wasn't the right season to make a bird feeder, but read online that birds will come no matter when you place them, so we gave it a go. 
This was what we came up with. 

First we cut 2 stars from a cardboard box. Glued them together with a piece of twine sandwiched in between. Then we covered the entire thing in peanut butter. 

Next we added the bird seed. 

It made a big mess, but was so much fun. 

After hanging them up in our tree, the kids sat outside for hours watching to see if they had any takers. For some reason I think the sight four children scared them all away.

Even though we didn't have many bird sightings, they were pretty to look at while they lasted. We will for sure be trying this again when the weather is cold and hope to have better success.

Hope you are all having a great summer. We have three more weeks to finish our list, I hope I have the energy to make it all happen.


  1. only 3 more weeks to go? your kids must get out early (in May, I assume?)... we have 5.5 almost 6 weeks left (summer vacation is just a little half over)

  2. Cute feeders!! I've got make birdhouses on our list, which is so unlucky to happen. Should've picked birdfeeders instead. :)

    PS. Love your handwriting!!

  3. Your july 4th dresses are so gorgeous!!!


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