Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I {heart} candy

Do you want to know something about me? I'm a recovering candy addict.  Seriously people.  If I were to walk into a room as see a display like this, I wouldn't be able to concentrate on anything else in the room.I think it is fair to say candy was the first love of my life.   I named my first doll Candy.  Basically any and all mischief as a child was centered around candy.  My only acts of theft involve candy. I would eat ALL of my Halloween candy in one night.  I developed a very high tolerance for sugar.  I would never get sick from eating too much.  

I'm getting so much better.  I think I've only snitched three candies in the last month. 

Do you want to know what I'm currently loving instead?
I found this beautiful candy jar at an antique store a few weeks ago. 

It was love at first sight, but I walked away.  Then I had to go back, again and again.

I knew if I didn't buy it I would think about it FOREVER.
So I bought it. I paid $30. I don't know if that is a good price, since I rarely go into antique stores. It doesn't really matter though, cause I'm in love it.  It brings a smile to my face, especially when I hear the click of the lid when kids are sneaking a treat. 

Besides your honey, what do you love?


  1. I love THOSE! I saw some like that at a garage sale once and kicked myself because I was too slow and someone got them first.

  2. I am so glad to meet another recovering candy addict! I realized that I was an addict when I would wake up in the morning and the first thing I would think of was "where can I get some candy today? Where is it on sale". I am proud to report that I made it 6 months without PURCHASING candy. Of course I ate candy, I just didn't purchase it. That means I ate about 98% less candy than usual. I could eat an entire bag (big huge size) of skittles in an hour and be good for more. Your candy display is delicious!!

  3. I'm a sweet tooth myself and how did you guys manage to quit?

    And oh yeah that candy display is delicious. Totally agree with Jillian hheheheheh

  4. I"m a chocolate girl myself, must have some every day or else! lol I love the jar though, it's gorgeous!

  5. I don't know if I've ever commented on your blog before. I've followed for a long time. But I just had to say....AMEN. I adore candy. Like LOVE and there's no way, even though I've been doing really well, that I could have that display in my home. I would eat it. My plan is to just make it out of the grocery store without it....and then once I'm home, I'm out of luck.

    My husband has been forbidden to call on the way home and say "I'm at the store, do you want a treat?"

    Regardless, my mouth is watering over that awesome display. And I so WANT to be able to have it, because, what is CUTER than candy in a jar? Maybe I could superglue the lids shut?


  6. Love your blog! Following you now. Came over from Tater Tots & Jello.

  7. that would never last in my house :)

  8. I never had a sweet tooth until I got pregnant 2 years ago. Now I can't get enough CHOCOLATE!!

  9. The antique "candy" dish that you bought is actually a wedding cake stand. It was intended to save a piece of the wedding cake for the newlyweds. The lid can be place underneath to raise the stand and then replace on top to cover the cake. $30 is a good price. I have one and I love it.


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