Monday, April 18, 2011

Bumble Bee Birthday Cake

My super cute nephew turned one this weekend. I helped his mom put together his cake and some treats for the guests. 

He's really been into bee's lately so we knew we wanted a bee cake. After looking around the web, we couldn't resist making THESE bee cake pops from bakerella
Since my nephew followed the tradition of eating the cake all by himself we went with frosting instead of fondant. 

To make things easier I piped all the writing with chocolate onto parchment paper then transfered it to the cake after it hardened. 

We had to make sure everyone else could have a taste and made several more.  

One tip if you try these yourself, add the wings immediately after you pour your strips. We waited to long on some and had a difficult time getting the wings to stick to the bumpy surface. I got the cute eyeballs at Orson Gygi's, a local baking supply store. 
They're far from perfect but were still super cute and super yummy. 


  1. Great job!! I love the bees (obviously!)

  2. What a CUTE cake! I am just in love with those bees. My favorite is in the first photo of the bunch in the raffia-filled box. One little guy has yellow dripping down under his eyes. I love that they all seem to have a unique personality like this. Love it!Love it!Love it!

  3. Oh, btw, I like your version better than the original.

  4. I MUST make these bees SOON! That are so adorable! GREAT job!

  5. oh my gosh so cute! I'd love to eat one of those bee's right now :)

  6. How cute. I love bees too!

    Warmly, Michelle

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. You have some seriously mad refashioning skills. . . not to mention your beautiful cakes!

  9. These are the bees knees, hehhee. You did a great job, what a lucky little guy he is to have you for an auntie. Hope all is well and you and your sweet family are enjoying Spring.

    Cha Cha

  10. love the little bee cake pops :)

  11. so cute! saving to my pinterest. i love bees!

  12. this is ridiculously cute! i bet your nephew loved it!!

  13. Very cute! You did an awesome job! Lucky boy!

  14. So those bee cake pops are just about the cutest thing ever. The expressions on their faces are so stinkin' cute. Love.


  15. Those are adorable ... I love the silly eyes!


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