Sunday, April 24, 2011

Celebrating Easter

Decorating Easter Eggs is one of my all time favorite things to do. My siblings and I could spend hours decorating dozens of eggs. It's really fun to feed off of each others creativity. Unfortunately the majority of them were out of town this weekend and I was left to decorate alone with my kids. 

We've tried almost every technique there is when it comes to egg decorating.  The new trick this year was using an iridescent egg kit. 

Speaking of eggs...
I had to make some in the form of cake balls. I'm a total addict. They are so yummy.

My daughter and nieces helped out, so they were super quick to make. 

And speaking of cake...
Check out this amazing coconut cake my mom made. You can't tell in the picture, but it's huge, like three times the size of a normal cake and it was soooo good. 

With all the fun of yesterday, I'm especially excited to focus on this today.  
Happy Easter!


  1. Happy Easter and the deserts look de.lish

  2. Thank you so much for donating to our Christmas tree fund! That was so sweet of you. And thank you for all your fun craft ideas! I'm going to do the hand tree for Mothers day.

  3. yummy cake. looks like fun. we let the girls color the eggs with markers (5 eggs total). we were lame and lazy.

  4. can you tell me more about the iridescent egg coloring kit? I LOVE how that green egg turned out

  5. I am the most impressed by the drawing of Jezus and Maria. And I think also what it's all about.. Amen.

  6. I too would love to know about the iridescent egg kit!!! Please?!

  7. Hi. Are you sharing the recipe for your mother's coconut cake? I've been wanting a coconut cake recipe.
    ~ Julie


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