Hot Dog! We had a party and you're all invited!

We celebrated with Minnie, but all these ideas could easily be changed to fit any theme. I fell in love with the red polka dots and minnie ears and used them on everything.

We have ears, say cheers!
These party hats aren't just fun to make, they're also easy and inexpensive.

A birthday outfit is a small touch that can make anyone feel extra special. Kate cried when it was pried off to go in the wash.

What party is complete without a pinata? All I needed was a Huggies box, a roll of crepe paper, tape and glue. No messy paper-mache or waiting days for it to dry.
Mouse hands were made for the kids to wear while hitting the pinata.
Such Joy!
Of course we needed goodie bags for all the loot.
Kate's favorite part of the party was dancing to Mickey's Clubhouse songs with a floor covered in balloons.
It was a great party, thanks for coming!

For Instruction on how I made things go HERE and HERE.
HERE is a list of parties I link to
So many great ideas wrapped in one post! I had to smile when you described prying off the birthday outfit for washing. I've been there before! Fantastic job. Most importantly, your daughter obviously loved it.
Talk about cute! I love all the details...the goody bags are esp. adorable, love the CAKE! That last pic is sooo sweet!
What a sweet party. I love how each aspect fit the theme. Too cute.
Wow, thats amazing! I lOVE that little skirt! You should make a tutorial...unless you already have one. :) My daughter has been wanting to wear nothing else but skirts recently, so I really need some cute patterns to make some I don't mind getting dirty!
Wish I'd had this party to draw inspiration for my daughter's first party! I love the party hats you made and the pinata! and that cake. wow! Here's mine, if you want to check it out:
Awesome job!
Oh my heavens, how cute!!!
LOVE this!! My daughter would freak out over a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse party!
How on earth did you do that pinata? I adore it! I know you said it involved a diaper box and some paper... but how did you hold it all together?
Oh my goodness! I LOVE this party! Everything is to die for cute! This party MUST be entered in my 'Show Off Your Party' Contest!! Really. Check out my blog for details!~!
Wow! What a great party you made!
everything is so cute and perfect :)
Love your party!! Congrats on second place on SYTYC!!
stopping by via your link on the girl creative today. wow! we are impressed - this party was SUPER cute. Right down to every last detail - like the gloves for the pinata turn?!! two ears up!
Love this! So much better than the store stuff and wow on that cake. I iwish my cake decorating skills were that good! Thanks for linking up to Craftastic Monday:)
Such a cute birthday filled with fun and great ideas, I enjoyed looking at it and stopping by to visit your blog.
wow this is SOO cute! I'd love to feature it. Come link up over here
Your blog is adorable. Such creative ideas! I love your resourcefullness!! I dabble in cake dec too, and loved your sisters blog as well!!
What a great party!!! I love the cake, it's awesome! You never cease to amaze me!
(I hopped on over from The Idea Room)
Oh my word, this is so darling! My daughter has been telling me she wants a Minnie Mouse party for a while now. So if that's still on her brain come October, I'm definitely going to be stealing some ideas from you. Adorable!
Great way to run with a theme through out the eintire party! And the outfit will be a great reminder for you and Kate in the future!
delightful! cute in every detailed way. I am so happy that I dropped in. Please accept my invitation to drop in at my place when you get a moment. I have become a follower and I hope that you will do the same. until later...
I can't get over that cake - wow!! I am having a link party tomorrow (Tuesday) and I'd love to see you there!
There is a post on bakerella's site and it made me think of your cute party. You should go check it out. cute! Made me hungry for Oreos! And you know what else? That Mr. Food plate picture in your header is a real hoot...kinda looks like one of my brothers!
What fun!!!
: )
Julie M.
OMG This is such a fun party!!!!!
You HAVE to tell us how you did the pinata!! Pleeeeease??!!! :)
I host a Party Link Party every month (1st Monday) that last a whole week. It's just finished this month, but you can link up your wonderful party ideas (I've seen the others too!!!) next month?! :)
If you want to check it out:
Hope to see you there next month?! :)
This party is too cute! I saw your post on a link party, and had to comment!
What a stinking adorable party! I'm jealous- my birthday is coming up, maybe I should do Minnie Mouse!
Thanks for posting to Talented Tuesday!
yet another reason i better produce a girl someday! this. is . so .cute.
Aw my little girl loves Minnie. You've given me so many great ideas for her party. Thanks
This is seriously!! Wow, I wish I had a girl!
This is one of the cutest party ideas I've ever seen! Love every single detail! Thanks for linking up. :)
What a cute idea! It turned out great.
This is the most adorable party theme!
I love it.
This is adorable...would you mind if I shared it on my party blog?!
You can add it yourself to my party sharing web site
WAY fun and WAY cute! I love the cake and the hats and the gloves! Very fun party and congrats on the great job on SYTYC! You did FABULOUS! : )
Wow!!!You did an amazing job!!!! Can you please tell us we are all begging you how you made the pinata?!!!!!
Thanks for linking up! I featured this over at! I loved it! Hope you come back next week!
Wow! Everything looks so amazing! I love the mouse gloves for the pinata!
I'll be doing a post Monday showing how I did everything.
What a cute party! Looks like she had a great time:)
You are AMAZING. Have a I ever mentioned that before. I wish I lived next door so I could tag along with all of your fabulous ideas. Every single thing that you post makes me drool. Wow. Wow. and Wow again.
PS WC is almost here!!!
Thanks for listing your party. It is being featured Friday.
please email me for your "I was featured" button
just saw your party on creative party... WOW! I am so impressed! I can't pick my fav, but the invitations, pinata and the gloves - how creative!
Kim @
party inspiration
So incredibly cute! Please please please tell us how to make the pinata!
Ok Your are so Great! A homemade pinata! Now thats WOW. Do you have any DIY instructions
Awww...this is so great! I love the mouse hands and the cake. The invitations are just perfect.
Good job!
I still cannot tell you how much I love this party! I really wish you could have entered it in our contest! But still, thanks for sharing it with us at our Linky Party! We really hope you drop by again next week! :)
So cute! The cake was impressive, and what little girl doesn't love Minnie Mouse
I featured this as part of a party post on my blog. Very cute!
This party is lovely. Congratulations for the creativite !!!
Oh my goodness! What a festival! So cute.
From start to finish, an amazing party! I love that they were swinging the pinata bat using the big white gloves!
Thanks for linking up to Make it Yours day! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
WOW!!! I can't believe all that you did for this party! How in the world did you do the ears for the top of the cake?
I love, Love, LOVE this! What a great way to adapt a commercial party theme to make it elegant and sophisticated, but still make your little one happy! Awesome, just awesome!
Thanks for linking at Lucky Star Lane!
This is CRAZY precious!!!! I LOVE it!
I loved this when I saw it the first time and had to come back and show it off at I am highlighting this at a Disney link-up on Friday!
This is precious - I love all your handmade details! Sharing on our FB wall today. Thank you!
So cute! I'm not always a fan of character parties, but you made this one so stylish and graphic. Makes me want to throw one for my daughter!
Thanks for linking up!
Love the post! I am currently working on a Minnie Masquerade Birthday party for my daughter's second birthday. I especially loved how easily and inexpensive I was able to make the pinata. I have included pics of my attempt on my blog:
Thanks so much for sharing your creativity!
First of all, I love your blog! You have so many great ideas! My daughter had a Minnie Mouse 1st Birthday party in January! I got so many great ideas from this post! Thanks so much! :) I posted pictures on my blog that I just started!
Your Parties are AMAZING! I also really loved the idea of friend parties at certain ages and a cake picked out by the birthday kid...i may or may not having stolen the friend party idea :)
Such a cute party! Always love seeing your creative ideas.
I featured your adorable Minnie Pinata on my blog, feel free to come check it out:
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