Thursday, October 7, 2010

Blog Birthday

Wow, it's been a year since I made my very first post.  When I think about how far this blog has come and how sweet all of you are to visit and leave me nice comments, I am amazed. I am so glad I have this little blog it has changed my life in many ways.  I've always been into sewing, crafting and just creating things.  I never did it on the level I do now, but having a blog gave me a reason to push myself a little harder.

A little over a year ago I could barely sew and had never seen a craft blog or even knew they existed.  Then one day I found The Nester which led to other blogs and more and more blogs and I was hooked.  I'm embarrassed to admit I  spent countless hours staring at this computer screen.  I was so inspired that I started making stuff. Then I thought, why not share my stuff too?

No one read it in the beginning.  I didn't tell my family or friends, I was embarrassed. I don't know why.  Then I started linking my projects and people SLOWLY started coming by.  I remember getting excited that 20 people visited my blog in one day.  It was weeks before I got my first follower.   That was a happy day. Then started getting featured for some of my projects and that is when I finally started telling friends and family I had a blog.  But I was still hesitant.

You see I create things because it is what I love to do.  I don't feel like it's my duty or that I'm a better mom because of it. I hated the thought of sending the message that to be a good homemaker you have to do everything yourself.  I didn't want anyone to feel like they needed to do what I was doing.  And at the same time, I worried about people thinking I was wasting my time.  Why would I spend my time making things when I should be reading to my kids, going to the park, or cleaning my house. I hate that women have to judge others and themselves so much. Am I making any sense? Am I the only one who thinks this way?

Anyway, I think I'm over all that now.  I love making things and I love sharing them here.  I love the friends that I've made.  I love looking at a million other projects and being inspired by amazing women.  This is my niche and I love being part of it.

I can't tell you how many times I've looked at other blogs and think I could never do that or she has a cuter personality or I wish I was thinner so I could make my own clothes.  I'm trying to be better and overcome my fears.  This blog has helped me with that.  I've taken risks I never thought I would.  I've made and done things a year ago I wouldn't have believed. I love that I can edit out my mistakes and blog in my PJ's. I don't have to be perfect because I get to show you what I want.

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! For all of your support.  Your kind comments get me through rough days. You encouragement makes me want to do more and try harder.

It's hard to be a mom.  I lost a part of who I was when I started having kids. It's hard to have your own identity.  You all know me as Kalleen not my kids mom.  I love that.

Thanks for reading my ramblings. I just thought I would share my thoughts on this last year.  Sorry no big giveaways.

The first post I shared was my Halloween Decorations. I finally got mine up for this year and I have some new things I'm excited to share over the weekend.


Settee said...

Well thank you for sharing your story and sharing your creative conquests! I love to read and view your many fab ideas. :-)

iammommahearmeroar said...

I think you totally rock. I couldn't agree more about everything you just wrote. Blogging and creating makes me really happy too. It's the one thing I've found that's just for me now that I'm a mom. I also agree that not everyone has to make everything. Sometimes I feel like people might think I'm crazy for making so much stuff, but I truly love it as well. Congrats on one year. Awesome post.


Molly {Eeny Meeny & Moe} said...

Congrats, Kalleen! So proud of you - thanks for sharing your heart, I think we can all relate on a lot of levels :).

Rachelle said...

I love what you said... and think that it is so true. I struggle with comparing myself to others as well. If we could all just learn to appreciate each others talents without feeling the need to compete... we would just be a whole lot happier and better off. I love your blog and never miss it, but I can also openly admit that I don't excel at crafting and I'm okay with that (most of the time. Sometimes I'm still pretty jealous.) Keep doing what you do so well.
Love, Rachelle

Bella @ Bella before and after said...

Kaleen, Happy Blog Birthday girl. I loved what you had to say, and it made so much sense to me as well. I sometimes also feel guilty for spending time on my blog, when I should be spending it with my kids. But to be honest I've been dedicating every minute of the last 12 years to my kids, and finally having never worked and always being at home, feel like this is mine, my very own getaway, and outlet, and I love it. It has made me happy, and I look forward to getting back to my (job). Silly, I know, but it's great. You have a great blog, filled with tons of fun ideas, and I can only hope that I am as successful as you in a year. Congrats, and keep up the VERY good work. Bella :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing that! I honestly cannot believe that you could barely sew!!

Cathy said...

I love what you just wrote. How honest, and refreshing! Congratulations on your anniversary, you are truly inspiring!

Anonymous said...

I sooo needed to read this amazing post today! Thank you for sharing so candidly. I love your blog and love the fact that I am not alone in so many of the thoughts that you have had. Why am I not cleaning my house? Wish I could sew like that. Or I wish I could make a tutorial clever-er like so and so! I love the point you made about how creating helps you connect to who YOU are! I think you're so right that we (Moms) a lot of times let who WE were before kids just fade away and replace it with staying busy reading books and packing lunches and doing laundry. It's wonderful to have a creative community to contribute to! I so enjoy the things you share and this post is no exception!!

Erin @ Lansdowne Life said...

Hi Kallen, I've never commented on your blog before, but have been reading for months. I always look forward to reading your posts and cannot believe how much you can get done with four kids! I only have one and I know how hard it can be to find time!

I just wanted to comment because so much of what you said resonated with me. I make things because I love to make things too. I started a blog in January of this year and, like you, it has motivated me to do so much more than I would have without the blog.

While I agree that making things for your kids doesn't necessarily make you a better mom, I think if creating makes you happy, then it is making you a better mom. A happy mom is a good mom.

Erin said...

Well said! I completely agree and can relate to all you have said. You are a very talented girl and I am so glad that you share it with all of us. You have definitely inspired me! Happy Blogiversary!!!

Rachel B. said...

Well I seriously think you are awesome...and I don't even know you. I totally just copied your Minnie Mouse party idea this last weekend. You are dang creative! Thanks so much for sharing all your fun ideas!

Alison @ Oopsey Daisy said...

You are absolutely amazing, Kalleen! And happy blogiversary! I felt the same way, too, starting a blog... embarrassed for some silly reason! But you are one of the stars in my book!!

Stef said...

Ohhh!!First I love the things you do:I wish I was so good,and second, it's like you were writing what I think. I still have told only a couple af people abot my little blog...And it's so true: I've lost myself since I became a wife and then a mother...Now I'm finding out a new and, maybe, abetter person, more happy, more realised,less sad, less confused, less stressed!!!
Thank you for sharing!!!

Hootnz said...

I am now at the stage that you were a year ago, this post has really spoken to me. My blog is nearly at the stage to be launched, but some things have held me back, such as I want it to be perfect before I place my first post, and what to start with? Stuff it thankyou for your post I am now going to my blog to place my much awaited first post

Thankyou thankyou :D

Anonymous said...

I just want you to know how very much I look forward to reading your blog!!! I found you through your posts on Skip to My Lou and fell in love with your work and tutorials. You inspired me to start my own blog this week. What I can't believe is that you've only been doing this for 1 yr. You have such a wonderful imagination and thankfully you're willing to share yourself as well as your ideas. Thank you for the inspiration to sew, create and to just be proud of your own accomplishments. Kris Davis from

Mallard Cove Mommy said...

What an inspiration! Your story sounds a lot like mine with the exception that I just started my blog about a month ago. I'm addicted and I LOVE visiting yours to see what you are up to. Thanks for sharing and God bless!

chris said...

Well stated. Know that I love what you make, love your style, and appreciate the kind words you share. You will always be Kalleen...and you are providing inspiration around here, and a legacy for your family also. Your kids can always come here to this happy little spot and say "Look what mom can do, I think I want to try too!"

Jess@craftiness is not optional said...

I think about those same things Kalleen! Sometimes I wish my family/friends didn't know about my blog. I feel showy offy. But I love to see other people's work (especially yours!) so I keep posting. I think we all have those feelings of inadequacy sometimes. But really the important thing about blogging is the people! and fun bloggy friendships! and being inspired by someone! So thanks! You've definitely inspired me :D

Sarah said...

So sweet, Kalleen. This is such a testament to never viewing ourselves the way others do. I have always viewed you as creative, smart, fun, talented... I could go on (and this stems from long before you were a mom!).

Now, why don't our families spend more time together?

Gail said...

As many of the others have said, it's like you wrote my thoughts. There is something so nice about creating and sharing that helps me to also feel like, well, ME. I started a blog and have been ignoring it a bit, but I feel inspired to share and work on it a bit more.
Thanks - happy blog birthday!

Elizabeth said...

Happy first birthday! I've subscribed to your feed for a while and love seeing your crafts. Keep 'em coming and I'm glad you found a creative outlet and that I get to be a recipient of it!

Nicki said...

I have to say happy blog birthday to you. You inspired me to try and make my daughters first birthday cake - ala cupcake! It wasn't perfect, but I did it! Thanks for sharing your many talents with us -you are truly amazing!

Hayley said...

So glad you blog. Love reading it. Thank you.

Unknown said...

We're all glad you started this blog and decided to share. Sharing is what I love about the blogging community. Everyone is willing to share and inspire! I'll never forget you featuring us. It was the first sort of recognition we ever got! You are my blog hero!

Sarah said...

Hi, I just found your blog via 'Give a Hoot' and live what you've written. We all have our unique talents and personalities and can't possibly do everything. It's wonderful to celebrate the differences and not waste time feeling disheartened that we are not 'x, y and z'.

Thank you and I love your Halloween creations!

Happy Blog Birthday!


Faye said...

I just found your blog through some other great ones ( probably I am momma lol)

I agree completely with this entire post, and I am so glad that you wrote it! I feel the same way about sewing how I grow slowly but surely and get better each time I make something. I make stuff because I love to, not because of others wanting me too. I also have lost a lot of who I was when i got married and had a child. (this moment is case in point- my son is literally climbing on me shoving a book in my face- i cant be perfect mom 100% of the time. its draining to be so perfect, attempting to be. im just a woman! a regular person for crying out loud, i dont know everything!)

see what you did, you made me 'say' it out loud lol. thanks so much for sharing what you do, for being honest and for just being you. thats all that we (the readers) want. whats so fun about every blog being the same? if they were I wouldnt have found yours, or someone elses or learned something from someone else. I appreciate those of you with the 'dedication' of maintaing a blog which i would have trouble doing. If only I could bookmark all of the great posts I come across.

You are amazing in what you do, and I thank you for it. thank you thank you thank you.


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