Monday, February 7, 2011

Sweets for your Sweets week

Valentines wouldn't be Valentines without sweets. When I think about Valentines, I think of Chocolate, decorated sugar cookies and little envelopes filled with candy. 

Growing up in a family of six, I always felt loved. I was a part of my family. But sometimes my mom did things to show us she loved us individually. One way she did that was by making us each a giant heart shaped sugar cookie with our name on it for Valentines.  I loved those cookies.

I thought it would be fun to share a few ideas and recipes for sweets you could make for those you love this Valentines day. I'll share something new everyday this week. 

My sister had a valentine making party this weekend and I made some cake balls for the occasion. Cake pops are all the rage but I like cake balls for Valentines. 

They look especially good wrapped in mini cupcake wrappers. 

I actually like these better than chocolates. 

And they are a whole lot easier to make than chocolates

Wouldn't they look cute in one of Delia's handmade chocolate boxes? Get the tutorial HERE

I used Bakerella's recipe and instructions to make my cake balls HERE. I used devil's food-cake and about 2 pounds white chocolate candy coating. I colored the extra coating and piped the designs with a zip-lock baggie. *make sure you use an oil based candy coloring, not regular food coloring.  

I'm linking to:
craft-o-maniacskip to my lou , CRAFT , sumo's sweet stuff, we did it wednesday, someday crafts,


Quirky Homemaker said... 1

Those are sooo cute!

Jen said... 2

These are sooo sweet! Look scrumptious! I am a new follower . I hope you come by to visit.

Emily said... 3

yummy, thanks for sharing! my daughter can't decide between me making her cupcakes or buying munchkins, I bet she'd love these for her bday snack at school tomorrow!

The Autocrat: Haley said... 4

Those look fabulous!! You chocolate looks really smooth- how did you get it that way? Do you have a fondant melting pot thing-a-ma-jig?

Anonymous said... 5

They look soooo great! I bought cake and icing to make these while at the store today. Yay!

Jo @ SmileMonsters

Meri said... 6

So very cute!! Love cake balls, and making them look like chocolates, even better :)


Jess said... 7

Oh yum! I will definitely be making these!!!

Cara Sexton said... 8

Yum! I just discovered cake pops and love them, but haven't tried cake balls yet. Since I'm out of lollipop sticks, I think I'll try this next. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said... 9

yum, yum, yum! Those look way too good!

Emily@theantiperfectionist said... 10

I'm LOVING your blog. These look beautiful. I recently bought a brick of white chocolate and some pink candy coating disks specifically to make something for valentines. These just might be it!

Charity said... 11

Love them, and if you like them better than the chocolates I must try them!!!!! I love thet they are each different.

Cha Cha

Delia said... 12

Oh my...these look amazing. They look so professional in those mini wrappers.

Thanks for the link love by the way. :)

Leasa said... 13

They look amazing. I've made cake balls before but mine have looked so good.

Patti @ Pandoras Box said... 14

Yours turned out so well...very pretty and dainty!


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