I am so excited to share today's giveaway. Not only because it will help any of you out there who need some help with your digital SLR camera but because I find it to be a great source of information.
My sweet husband gave me my Cannon Rebel SLR a couple years ago for Christmas. I was so excited and spent my Christmas Day reading the manual and listening to all my brothers advice on how to use it. I had never used a SLR before and had no idea what I was doing. By the end of the day, I was confused and frustrated and decided to shoot in auto until I could attend a few of the free classes that came with my camera.
Guess what? Being a busy mom, those classes never happened. Even though they were free and only minutes away from my home. I never could find the time to make it happen. I eventually had a friend, who is a professional photographer, and happened to be hanging out at our house teach me the basics (thanks Dirk).
Although I learned enough to get out of auto, I can't tell you how many times I've wished I had more knowledge about what I was doing and how to fix everything that bugged me with my pictures. That is why I was so excited to get Katie Even's ebook "The Key to Taking Pictures like a Professional Photographer." When I opened it in an email, I started reading it immediately and couldn't stop reading until I had read the whole thing. When I finished I wanted to run out and try some of the tips and techniques, unfortunately it was well after midnight.

I love that is was something I could read after my kids were in bed, no scheduling needed.
I love that I can re-read it any time I want.

I love the way it is easy to read and step-by-step.
Seriously I can't wait to re-read it this summer and start practicing to get the most out of my camera.
Do you want to start taking pictures like Katie Evans?
You can order her ebook HERE.
(enter the code SECOND for $2 off for the next two weeks)
You can get photography tips on Katie's Blog HERE.
You can attend one of her workshops found HERE.
(she recently added the workshop to coincide with the ebook. It's a great option for those who are more of a visual learner.)
My sweet husband gave me my Cannon Rebel SLR a couple years ago for Christmas. I was so excited and spent my Christmas Day reading the manual and listening to all my brothers advice on how to use it. I had never used a SLR before and had no idea what I was doing. By the end of the day, I was confused and frustrated and decided to shoot in auto until I could attend a few of the free classes that came with my camera.
Guess what? Being a busy mom, those classes never happened. Even though they were free and only minutes away from my home. I never could find the time to make it happen. I eventually had a friend, who is a professional photographer, and happened to be hanging out at our house teach me the basics (thanks Dirk).
Although I learned enough to get out of auto, I can't tell you how many times I've wished I had more knowledge about what I was doing and how to fix everything that bugged me with my pictures. That is why I was so excited to get Katie Even's ebook "The Key to Taking Pictures like a Professional Photographer." When I opened it in an email, I started reading it immediately and couldn't stop reading until I had read the whole thing. When I finished I wanted to run out and try some of the tips and techniques, unfortunately it was well after midnight.

I love that is was something I could read after my kids were in bed, no scheduling needed.
I love that I can re-read it any time I want.

I love the way it is easy to read and step-by-step.
Seriously I can't wait to re-read it this summer and start practicing to get the most out of my camera.
Do you want to start taking pictures like Katie Evans?
You can order her ebook HERE.
(enter the code SECOND for $2 off for the next two weeks)
You can get photography tips on Katie's Blog HERE.
You can attend one of her workshops found HERE.
(she recently added the workshop to coincide with the ebook. It's a great option for those who are more of a visual learner.)
Oh pick me pick me
Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance! tarynoakley@gmail.com
Great giveaway! I would love to win this, what a great resource!
Could I be so lucky! jaydenjaymes@yahoo.com
I would totally love to win this giveaway!
What a fab giveaway! I just love her pics and would LOVE to win!!
The book looks amazing! I would love to win it!!
I'd love to have this book, thanks for the chance to win!
I NEED to win!
I should win because I'm your favorite sister.
I really want to win this!! I've entered a couple other giveaways already. Maybe this is my time to win! ;-)
wanibug (at) yahoo (dot) com
I would love a chance to win an ebook on taking fantastic photo's. Thank you for the opportunity.
This book looks amazing! Can always use more information to get the most out of my photos!
Crossing my fingers!!
I would love this!
I would love to win this
I totally want to win this! I just recently got my first SLR and I need to learn how to use it! ashj017@hotmail.com
I'm hoping to win! I really want to take a photography class, but with six young children and a husband who works a lot, it's not going to happen for me for a while! This book could help me until my schedule frees up. :)
sarahhodges323@ yahoo.com
This would be so great. Thank you! howens57@gmail.com
Thanks for the tips! marynolancox@gmail.com
Great giveaway...could definitely use some pointers on picture taking...
Kmorphy at yahoo dot com
oh i would LOVE to win this!! :)
I would LOVE to win! I'm going to need a new camera soon...this would be awesome to help me learn how to take better pics!
I would love to win this!!
Oh my goodness! I would love to win this so I can take better pictures and earn some money this summer!
That would be cool to win!!
Ah, so perfect! I need this!
I have just recently discovered your blog and am really enjoying it.
Would also love to have the book.
Thanks for the opportunity!! pamelasplace5(at)yahoo(dot)com
I would love one!!! :)
OMG! i am soooo crazy now!!! i want to win your e-book :') waaahhh dream big!!!
This book looks great. I would love to win!
I so need this book!
This looks great. Just what I have been looking for.
I would love to get my hands on this book!
please enter me in your generous giveaway ~ thanks !
I need all the help I can get! tannagrunig@yahoo.com
Something I could definitely use!
Ooh, I would LOVE this! Improving my photography is a big goal for me!
Oh I too would love to win this.
Jenniffier @ gmail
This is wonderful. I wanted to buy this last week and couldn't. I also just finished a 101 Photography class and this would be a great next step! Yeah! jdmsmith@sisna.com
OMG!! I just got my DSLR three days ago for my 30th birthday!! I'm DETERMINED to learn to shoot in M, this is a must!
Ooh I've seen this on the blogosphere and *really* want it!! Please pick me! I've been actually thinking about purchasing a copy otherwise!
I don't have a blog yet, because I know how important it is to have great photos, and my photography skills are pretty weak. I'd love to learn more, and the flexibility of an e-book would help me to learn when I had time to practice. And then, maybe I could officially jump into blogland...
msgould_ams at hotmail (d0t) com
I would LOVE this book!! Please PICK me. Please please please....with a cherry on top! nspency@aol.com
You are not going to believe this, I just tweeted asking anyone if that had a suggestion for a photo class.....hehe who knew I just had to come see you to get my answer. So now i jst need you to pick me!!!!
Cha Cha
Thank you for the reminder about the fabulous photography book! It has been on my "To Buy" list for awhile now and with a discount code I couldn't wait any longer. I cannot wait to star reading it!
Oh, I need this so bad! Thanks for the chance! nkmeldrim (at) hotmail (dot) com
I REALLY want to win this!
stacy.salmon at gmail dot com
i would love this!!!
If I don't win it, I'll be buying it. Looks like a great read!
me, me, me...please??!!!!
Thanks for the giveaway. Pick me pick me!
yay! thanks for the giveaway. i'd love to "get out of auto" myself.
I'm getting back into photography, and this book would be a great side-kick! gemini_983(at)hotmail(dot)com
I would love love love an ebook to teach me more about photography!
I am quickly learning how much there is to learn in the art of photography. And with four lovely subject around me all the time, I really, really want to learn!
Would love this. I love taking pictures of my kids and capturing the moment but to make them better would be priceless!
Oh to be able to take gorgeous pictures like those I see around this wonderful blogosphere that we have!
I am living in Hawaii, and I really need to know how to use my wonderful camera!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would love to win this!
Hi, the e-book looks great. Thanks for the give-away!
Awesome giveaway!
This looks like such a great book! nielandj@gmail.com
Lovely I would love to win this....Thank you!
That look awesome!! Just got my first DLSR for my birthday:)
This would be fantastic ;)
awesome possum! :)
kbwiebe (at) gmail (dot) com
My husband is getting me a DSLR for our anniversary/my birthday and who knows how many other upcoming gift-giving events! It will be worth it though!
I would love this ebook!
I am a picture taking dummy...I would love to win. Thanks for the chance :)
bland_brittany at yahoo dot com
You have a great blog! And I really need this book! Hi from Norway:)
ingunnfylkesnes (at) gmail (dot) com
So cool!
oscar (at) brecken (dot) net
This book would be great! All the way from New Zealand!!
melissasowden (at) hotmail (dot) co (dot) nz
My dream job is to have my own photography business! Thanks for the opportunity!
Oops! forgot my email address from my previous comment!
I REALLY need this book!!...
forgot my email in the previous comment :-( sorry!
That book would really make me happy :D vivi.b@gmx.net
I would love to have this book. aline(dot)lovings(at)gmail(dot)com
I'd love to win Kalleen,
It's you're friend Melanie
blue22belle at gmail. com
I have heard talk of this ebook! I plan to get my hands on it one way or another!
passion268 at hotmail dot com
Oh oh me me I never win anything lol skyhunteress AT gmail dot com thanks
This looks great! hayesinthehouse@gmail.com
I would LOVE to be able to take fabulous pictures...it would save money..and memories would be preserved so wonderfully too! email: peach12345@gmail.com. Thanks, Peach
Yes please!!!
I sorely need this! Thanks for the opportunity to try!
Oh how nice would it be to take pictures as beautiful as the children in them.
yes please! would LOVE to win!
I would LOVE to win one of her books!
Oh, I want to win this for my daughter! She got an SLR for Christmas this year and would love to know more about how to use her camera. I would love for her to have this book because the subjects of most of her photos are my precious grandchildren!! Thanks for the chance to win.
Oh I would LOVE this....pettitl99@yahoo.com
I just found your site and fell in love with it. I immediately bookmarked it, which is a rare since I don't spend a lot of time reading blogs or bookmarking them either. So I really hope that I am picked to win this wonderful looking book so I can further my self-taught understand of my camera and get out in the world and take amazing photos like Katie. Thx.
oops forgot my email, dasheltons@gmail.com. :)
yes please!!!
jojodaly at gmail dot com
I would love this! Thanks for offereing it!
I would love to win this!!!!
hollydonahue at hotmail dot com
Would love a chance to take great pics of my kiddos! Thanks for the opportunity.
ascook at hotmail dot com
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