About Me

I'm Kalleen and I live at Second Street.

I come from a very creative family.  I grew up with my parents creating things around our home. My dad can make anything. Whether it's a new bathroom, an amazing treehouse or the best meal I ever ate. My mom is an artist and amazing seamstress.  She made all our clothes growing up and would take us to the mall to draw sketches of the clothes we wanted, which she would later make.  They taught me the importance of being creative, which has brought me joy.

 I'm a mother of four doing what I always dreamed of.  I consider myself to be one of the luckiest people I know. It can be overwhelming to find time to create with small children but it's my therapy. Saving money and providing memories are added bonuses to doing what I already love.
I'm married to the greatest guy around. He gave up his office just so I could have a place for all of my many projects. He doesn't complain when my duties get neglected, because he knows how happy crafting makes me. 

I learned to sew when I was little but didn't like it until the last couple years.  My sewing has evolved from little crafty projects to actual pieces my kids can wear. I laugh when people think I'm a good sewer. I consider myself a beginner and make a lot of stuff up as I go.  When my mother or sister explain the real way of doing things, I usually brush it off as too confusing and make it my way. Sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't.  I'm learning a lot.  

I'm so glad I have this little blog to keep me going. I love having another excuse to make more of myself. I've learned so much from other blogs this past year and hope that you like some of my ideas. 


beckley said...

just wanted to say, as someone who's not usually often impressed in the blog world, i really like your blog.

ended up here bc a friend posted your pear torte or something recipe on fb. anyway, i'm supposed to be cleaning my house for a party, so i best be doing that.

but for now, i like your blog. it's more fun than most, and genuine, which i like a lot. okay, i've clearly had too much coffee because i can't punctuate and i'm stringing some lame sentences.

best to you- and have re-fashioning (i'm a pretty huge fan of refashioning over new clothes, and fun cakes and jedi parties---our jedi training was sept 15th this year =), and...seriously, making myself leave and clean now...

robyn, milwaukee.

Kate said...

I stumbled across your blog two days ago and have yet to close it out -- I've just been spending all sorts of time browsing your archives!! Your blog is amazing and I am BEYOND impressed at all your crafting and creativity! LOVE!

Unknown said...
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Elizabeth said...

here a message from the other part of the world. Holland
I want to make my compliments for the nice blog.
I like it very much, it is what I want with my blog. But I just began one and a half month ago.
So I have lots of things to learn
We have some things in common. We look around to make something of anything.
We have also both a loving husband and a children we're proud of.
(but mine are older :-)

I invite you to visit my blog

sorry my english is not as good as it should be

Hartelijke groeten

Elizabeth de Kievit

Megha Babu said...

Hi Kalleen ,
Hope u r doing good... this is Megha From India,

wowwwwwwwww its gr8 to be here ... me n my little girl (4 yrs old) luv ur blog a lot!!! thanx for the inspiration... Keep rocking :-)

Kristen said...

I love what you said about your husband - that's how mine is too. Doesn't worry about my "duties" because crafting makes me happy! ;)

The Newton Family said...

I just stumbled onto your blog today and I love it! Thanks for sharing your beautiful crafts. I have been recycling thrift and free clothing for a long time now and am happy to see others doing the same and giving me more ideas for new projects! Keep up the good work. Your family is beautiful! God bless you.


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