I promise I've been busy making stuff, like 23 penguin costumes for my daughters class play and a few other things I can't post right now. Until then I thought I would share some cute outfits my sister, Shelly, made. I've shared her stuff before HERE. She is amazingly talented and I wish I had the money to pay her to make all my girls clothes.
I helped her take a few photo's for her portfolio last week and she said I could share them with you. I'm not a real photographer and I don't know how to use photoshop, so please don't make fun. I think my daughter and her friends were great models.
I love this skirt. I want one for me, and a flat tummy to go with it.
I also love all the ruffly details on the tops. I could never make these tops like she did, but I might try making some similar ones by refashioning an existing shirt.
I finally convinced her to start a blog I'll let you know when it's up and running. She just finished design school and wants to teach sewing classes. If you live in the Salt Lake area and are interested send me an email kalleenk(at)hotmail.com and I'll forward it to her. Her prices are low and she knows everything.

What a sweet clothes! I'd love them in my size {and a flat tummy as well, thanks!}.
And your little models are adorable!
OK, Kalleen ... I totally want lessons but do you think Shelly would take a student like me??? Given our love/hate relationship of the past? Ha ha ... Please talk her into it. Tell her I'm a changed women! :) I just need to learn how to sew on a button or two!
Very, VERY cute! wow, I love them! I love the vintage look and would love some in my size as well! Good job!
I love that stripy skirt and agree, adult sizes would be fab!
Great clothes and on the prettiest girliest little cuties!
Love the photos. You did a great job!
:) Laura
my my, what beautiful little models! they sure have their runway poses and faces on-i love it! :)
She's very talented, indeed.
what do you mean make fun of your photo skills? you did a great job:) I think it also helped that you were photographing your sisters awesome skills on awesome little models:)
Such cute clothes. Cute little models too :) And TWENTY THREE penguin costumes? Wow.
I love the second skirt, way cute!
Very pretty..the clothes and the pictures. Nice job. I like the skirt pleated at the top the best. :)
I love these shirts - I kinda wish I lived in Salt Lake now to take her class!!!
They make PERFECT models!
How beautiful the girls look! I love their outfits your sister did a wonderful job!
I love those clothes. I can't wait for your sisters blog. It is bound to be inspiring just like yours!
She should be selling those clothes on esty or in a boutique. I just love them! I wish I were a better seamstress...well, maybe when I have more time to practice I will be, but then, who will I sew for? :)
Those are PRECIOUS! I want to learn how to sew - too bad I don't live anywhere nearby. :( If you'd like me to work on the photos in Photoshop and add her logo I'd be more than glad to (free of course), just let me know. Those are adorable!
Did your sister starts her blog ? I couln't find it, when looking at your messages, nore with the search option.
(I'm still reading back your messages since the last one, because I like what you do)
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