First of all, thank you for all the kind birthday wishes. You all were so kind to guess a lower age than you probably actually thought. I just celebrated my big 3-0. I'm so glad to finally be in my 30's. I'm tired of the looks I would get when people learned I had 4 kids and was still in my 20's. I will admit though, I didn't like my son asking me why I had little scratches (wrinkles) under my eyes this morning.
Okay, I've mentioned that I've had some big projects going on around our house, well they are all outside. Basically we finally put in a sprinkling system, laid sod and planted flowers. We haven't had a front lawn for the last two years. We are those neighbors everyone hates. It's been a lot of hard work. We finally got to a point were we enjoying a nice yard and decided the finishing touch would be a playhouse for the kids.
After spending way to much time looking, I realized what I wanted wasn't in our price range. Thats when I had the idea to ask my dad to custom build it for us. I should have known better, my dad always goes over the top.
Instead of buying all his supplies at the store, he visited all the neighborhoods having their yearly garbage pickup. Soon our yard was covered in this,
and this,
and he even filled the garage too.
He has the ability to see new things in others trash. I think if it were anyone else I would be scared. I asked for a five foot playhouse with a sandbox under it. I wanted a slide and a simple railing around the sides.
Instead he built this. It's got three levels. The sandbox on the bottom, a middle inclosed level, and a top level that will be half inclosed and half a balcony.
My kids are loving the sandbox.
Here is my favorite part. He's designed it to be a castle. He took these old fence boards and cut them down to look like bricks.
Don't you love the look.
Now here is the sad part. Our neighbors have a hard time minding there own business and like to call the city for EVERYTHING. We were red flagged today and can't work on it anymore until we get proper approval. Who knew you had to get a permit for a treehouse. I'm so mad right now.
It will be weeks before we hear back from the city and we are praying they don't make us take it down. We didn't break any codes, our neighborhood is just like that. Wish us luck, I was so excited to show you a finished product.

That is one amazing play house! I can't believe people got upset they are just mad they don't have one!! :)
it's going to be awesome! some neighbors are just weird..i had one of my neighbors ask me one time if i got a permit to have my yard-sale!!??
...crazy people.... :)
Sorry to hear that! It looks awesome! I hope they enjoy staring at the unfinished project for 1/2 the summer!
EVERY neighborhood has one of those!!! Love the playhouse, and the kids will too. And the idea for the sideways wood as bricks...brilliant!
Happy Birthday! I kept trying to figure out your age based on your kids ages by the birthday parties your did and the year's you said you did you big birthday parties. I'm halfway to 29 and have zero kids. Pretty impressive I must say!
That playhouse is AWESOME> I hope the appoval process goes faster than expected. oh to have a father that handy! I'd make him build me one just for my crafts, then again its all in my dreams.
I SOOOOO know your pain. My neighbor sucks, too, and complained about the fence we built. I say, fight fire with fire. The city just approved poultry. We're up early, anyway. But they aren't. I'm getting a rooster.
that is too cool! I can't believe he was able to use all that "trashed" wood! What a cool way to go! I would have LOVED something like that when I was little! I bet your kids are through the roof! Sorry about your nosy neighbors! I hope you get approved soon and then you can stick it to 'em!
i want to come over to play!
My kids would be in heaven. Enjoy your new wonderland.
Oh your neighbors are so mean. It was for the kids, shame on them. I hope the city works things out in your favor.
What an amazing play house! Can I borrow your dad for a while? That is just sad about your neighbor! We used to have neighbors like that - sad part is, they are the ones that did a huge add-on project to their house without getting the permit and would do other things like that. Some people are just that way.
Oh, and if it makes you feel any better, my mom had her 5th and last child when she was 29 - and #4 was born when she was almost 25.
It looks fantastic thus far! Sorry your neighbors had to be asses and ruin all your fun! Can't wait to see the finished product!
We have a wistle blower in our neighborhood as well. It's usually because our grass isn't mowed. We live on 2 the country! Oh well. I love the fort! Would you have gotten in trouble had it been installed by one of those companies or home depot? The swingset with a fort on one end? I bet not. Hopefully it turns out on your side! I like the idea of the bricks too! Think I'll pass this on to my husband (like he needs another project). :) Oh, we also regularly go out dumpster diving. Our city has a bulk trash pick up every month. We've gotten some great treasures!!
That looks AMAZING!!! Sorry your neighbors are being less than friendly about it! Hopefully you'll be approved soon to continue on the castle construction!
I am glad that you are in your 30's...if you want to be I guess. I am 41, my dh is 48...and we get tired of people commenting on our "grandchild" who is our OWN 6 month old baby.
I will be sad if you have to tear it down. My goodness. I just moved away from a nosey neighbor...I was so sick of him reporting everything to our landlords! Good blessings!
So cute! I have to ask you where you got the slides. Were they something you had already on a swing set or did you buy them separately?
My husband just built us a tree house and we are in need of a slide.
I want to play on it too! your dad is amazing! my dad was always doing things like that for us too! he made us a rocket ship when i was a kid and my grandpa, who used to be an electrician, made us lights and switches that worked for it!
it makes me so angry when people perpetuate anger and hate for things that are meant to spread joy! how is it hurting them anyway? my father in law is an AMAZING landscaper and gets the city called for ALL of his projects! :-P
pooey on you, mean neighbors! just be happy that it makes the neighborhood more appealing! it's not like you are putting an old car up on blocks in your front yard!
Your kids are very lucky to have such an amazing playhouse - three levels - wow!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you...
Okay, tha playhouse idea with the fence cut up is SO cool! I love it and I am honestly fired up FOR you just hearing that your neighbors called the city. Are you kidding? A permit for a clubhouse? Okay, I've got to go simmer down now! Great work. Can't wait to see it finished.
Holy cow! That is the coolest playhouse EVER! What lame neighbors you have! I really hope that the city gives you authorization to finish building it (I can't imagine why they wouldn't).
That is amazingly cute! I can't wait to see the finished product. Good luck with the city!
I agree - they're jealous they aren't as lucky to have one in their own yard! Sorry for the bum luck but I'll be saying kind thoughts and prayers for your family and kids!
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