We're kirstin and jordan, sisters who blog over at kojodesigns. Since Kirstin had a baby girl a month ago, our craft tables have been brimming with newborn baby girl crafts. We thought we'd share one of them with you!
To make a pom pom baby skirt, you'll need:
-a 6"x30" rectangle of fabric
-30" of coordinating pom pom trim
-a 10" length of elastic
-sewing machine and supplies
1. Pin your pom pom trim to the bottom of your fabric rectangle. Stitch in place. Fold under and press. Top stitch along the bottom of your 'skirt' (I used a contrasting color for a little visual interest).
2. Fold your rectangle in half, making a fabric 'tube.' If you want to use a fabric label, sandwich it between your edges, facing into the skirt. Sew the two open edges together. Fold the top over and iron down (this will soon be your elastic casing). You can serge the edge if you please.
3. Leave a small opening to thread your elastic through and sew the rest of the casing shut. Feed elastic through your opening. Stitch the elastic together and then sew your opening shut. Pair with a sweet teeny onesie and your peanut is cute as can be and ready to go out on the town!
Kalleen- thanks for having us over today. Give your tonsil-less girls a hug for us!
Thanks Kirstin and Jordan! Isn't Kirstins little one a doll? And this pom pom skirt is too. You have to check out how they made their tags HERE.
They are brilliant! I'm dying to make some.

Tonsil Recovery? YIKES! Been there, done that, wishing the best of recovery luck!
BTW: KoJo sisters, very cute skirt!
Wishing you a speedy recovery! I'm linking to this on my blog linking party since I've missed seeing you and Kojo sisters! Hope you'll be back soon! All the best, Sara
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