I promise I have a real excuse for the lack of blogging. I've been having major technical issues. First off, a few weeks ago iphoto deleted all my photos. After an hour of crying I found them , but will still have to reorganized them all, YIKES. Now we are trying to figure out what is eating up all the memory on our computer, so I can download new photo's. It's been a bit of a nightmare. I'm currently using my hubbies laptop but it takes FOREVER to download pictures into blogger. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping this will all get sorted out sooner than later.
For anyone that's been following for over a year knows how important homemade gifts for the holidays are to me. Making things for those I love is what makes Christmas meaningful. Nothing gets me into the Christmas spirit like creating the perfect gifts for my family.
Unfortunately, my family and I had abnormally busy November and December this year, and weren't able to be as ambitious we have been in the past. My next few posts will show the few things I was able to pull together before Christmas.
Like most Americans, our family follows the tradition of opening new pajama's on Christmas Eve. My Mother almost always made ours for us, something I never thought I would do. But, in a moment of frustration I committed myself to sewing PJ's for all my girls. I don't understand why it is so hard to find PJ's that are Christmas colors but not overtly Christmas themed. I want something festive but can be worn for months after the big day.

Like most Americans, our family follows the tradition of opening new pajama's on Christmas Eve. My Mother almost always made ours for us, something I never thought I would do. But, in a moment of frustration I committed myself to sewing PJ's for all my girls. I don't understand why it is so hard to find PJ's that are Christmas colors but not overtly Christmas themed. I want something festive but can be worn for months after the big day.
Luckily I stopeed myself from my big plans of sewing tops for my older girls. Instead they got a full set for their dolls (simplicity 4268).
I love how the full set turned out for my little thing. My favorite part is the piping and ruffle at the bottom.
I'm proud of the top. I made up my own pattern and can't even remember how I did it.
I had just enough material left to make me a pair of bottoms as well.
Hope your holidays were as joyous as ours!
great job on the jammies!!
Congratulations, your pajamas are really beautiful! Doll pajamas are also delicious. I could sew like you.
Making gifts is also important to me.. I only got to make a few things this year because like you, we were SO busy! I kept telling myself, something is better than nothing. And guess what? I survived, even though I had to buy most of our gifts this year. All this means is that next year I NEED to start way earlier! Your pajamas turned out way cute. :)
I love your Christmas PJ's -- they turned out so cute!
I've always bought my daughter's - but you inspire to me try making them --even if all I do is make the bottoms and buy a top!
I was just wondering where you were. Now I know. You were sewing! These look great! Part of my New Year's resolution is to make great pjs like these.
Love those! We had such a surplus of jammies that I didn't make any this year but am planning to next year. I need to find something for two boys and a girl, though!
I have the EXACT same complaint with Christmas pajamas! I tend to want something cute, slightly-Christmas-y but still usable for the rest of the year, and plain so that I can use them for photos. This year I paid an arm and a leg for some adorable red and white pinstriped monogrammed ones- so they'll be using those again next year ;) Yours turned out too cute!
Adorable! I just adore the piping and the ruffle and your husbands face in the second to last picture is priceless! :)
I am so glad you were able to find your pictures. That must have been one horrible hour!
I love the pajamas. From the historical home to the adorable girls + mom (and dolls) in matching pajamas to the picture perfect christmas decor these pictures look like a magazine!
We had just as much fun as you! I'm currently going through chocolate withdrawals.
I adore those PJ's, Kalleen! They are perfect, just as you said, festive but they can still wear them for awhile! :D The dolly PJ's just put these over the top, too. hehe!
Your house looks so cozy! Love the matching p.j.'s for even the dolls:)
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